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Mission Statement
Always In Blue, Inc. was developed from the need to assist law enforcement that are injured or will be injured in the line of duty. We are here to help with the financial needs to offset the loss of income while on duty injury until the status of light duty or full duty.


The Goals and Objectives
Our goal is to help any law enforcement officers that has been injured while on duty to help with the shortage of income that an officer would have received not including overtime while on full duty.
The objective is to relieve the stress of the loss in income which will allow the officer to concentrate on rehabbing the injuring or illness so an officer doesn’t return to work to soon and the possibility of reinjury.

The board of directors will adopt policies regarding the requirements and guidelines for officer’s applications for assistance.


The Service
The primary service of Always In Blue, Inc. is to assist an officer injured on duty to help offset the cost of the loss of income so the officer can concentrate on recovery and returning to work and not the stress of whether he or she will be able to make a car payment, house payment, food on the table or whatever payment may be skip to continue their normal life.


All law enforcement defined as a public-sector employee whose duties primarily involve the enforcement of laws. The phrase can include police officers, special police officers, customs officers, state troopers, special agents, special investigators, border patrol officers, immigration officers, court officers, Corrections officers, county jailers, probation officers, parole officers, arson investigators, auxiliary officers, game wardens, sheriffs, marshals, and deputies.

 Although not defined as law enforcement, juvenile detention officers will be included. Security guards are civilians and therefore not law enforcement officers. Although typically the term "law enforcement officer" refers to those government agents with police powers, prosecutors are also law enforcement officers.

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