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Be a Friend

Your donation to Always In Blue, Inc makes a difference. It’s the generous gifts from you, our friends and businesses that continue to help us reach officers in need.

Following are several ways you can make a contribution, please donate today!



Mail your check/money order to the address below:

Always In Blue, Inc
P.O. Box 45347
Rio Rancho, NM 87174


Credit Card

To donate to Always In Blue, Inc by credit card, clink on the Donate button below. The link is a secure link. You will also have the option to make reoccuring donations.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Why donate? 

There are more than 900,000 sworn law enforcement now serving in the United States, which is the highest figure ever. In New Mexico, there are almost 7,000 commissioned law enforcement, 5,400 sworn police officers/deputies, 1,219 corrections officers, 305 probation and parole officers. On average, an officer will lose $1,200.64 per month while on duty injury. From 2013-2015, 539 officers have been injured on duty.

We do not share any donor information with any third party. Our mail and email lists are private. Always In Blue, Inc is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and your donation may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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